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Local, simplified.

Get started with Navore

Create an account to check out all the great tools that Navore has to offer. Our basic plan is free until June 2025.

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How it works

  • Mobile application with calendar and product cards to sell online

    Sell online through Navore

    Create your custom virtual storefront to connect with new customers where you currently offer local pickup or delivery or use Navore to help create new sales avenues.

  • Mobile application with different reviews

    Share your story, cultivate community

    Educate, inspire and promote your products or events through news posts, photos, and recipes. Customers will be alerted when you have a new post.

  • Mobile application with order list

    Work smarter, not harder

    Use our automated and customizable lists for harvest, packing, loading and delivery. Want to streamline your wholesale orders? You can upgrade your account to create customer groups, price lists, and more.

    Join today
  • Two houses against the backdrop of fields and mountains

    Návore [nuh-vor]

    the Old Norse prefix for “near”
    suffix meaning “one who eats”

    Why eat the same old food from the store, when you can eat local and become a Navore.

Why Navore

Created by and for producers, designed to help your business by...

Because farming shouldn't have to be a desk job.